Jeff Gallin, a Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher, completed his 500 hour certification at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. His personal experience with Parkinson's Disease led him to delve deeper and deeper into the many layers and benefits of yoga. Yoga is the best part of his day, every day. He believes each of us can use the healing powers of yoga to improve the quality of his/her life. He teaches in alignment with the idea that the individual does not have to adjust to yoga but that yoga has to adjust to the individual, meaning that each person should practice the postures that bring balance to his/her system. He prefers to teach a class that includes meditation and breath work, all to focus the mind. He has taught various class sizes, prefers small, and therapeutic semi-private yoga, as well as one on one private practices. He recently added "zoom' virtual teaching classes as well. Deep gratitude to Jeff and his generosity.